Monday, September 22, 2008

Today's News

Hello, out there!

I am going to post something short just so I can get into the habit of posting every day.

Today is Monday, another crazy day in my life.

I had to weigh in. I'm in maintenance after spending $95 a week on a weight loss plan that was the most responsible and rapid way I could get my weight under control. Yet, primarily because I'm so bored at work, I spent the last 29 days eating foods that are no on my plan. I was really afraid to get on the scale today.

Up four pounds (since last month), 2% gain in body fat. And I feel it. This is what I get from eating cookies and bread. They are my downfall. Comfort food! So, I'm back on the bandwagon.

My counselor gave me a great anchor today. She said whenever I'm tempted to eat these high glycemic index foods, to just say out loud, "I am careful about the glycemic count of the food I eat and I only eat foods that are good for me."

Mainly I'm working on trying to sleep 6 hours a night at least, and taking my vitamins every day, and eating the right foods so I don't go into depression or backslide into carb addiction.

So... a fresh lease on life and here I am.

The weather, this first day of Autumn, is beautiful here. The sun shone brightly, there was a slight breeze that kept the temps in a very pleasant range, and the leaves are starting to rustle. Fireplace weather, my favorite. They say it's going to get warmer as the week progresses, which is fine.

Spoke with Bill (my former husband) today. I'd left him a voicemail because he is the best professional mover I've ever worked with, and I need some furniture moved at the part-time job on Saturday. I need big, strong men. Mike wants me to go to Home Depot and round up a bunch of guys from there. I don't feel comfortable with this. I'd much rather give the work to people I know. So that's where we are. The furniture is being delivered Wednesday and I'm not ready. I don't want to take any time off because I'm saving it for the holiday so I can go see the family and still have some vacation time to recover from those travels. Not sure I'll be able to go anywhere, though. The prediction is that the cost of travel will triple on November 1. And I'm not ready to book anything yet.

Perhaps I'll drive! OMG.

I know, I know. It's all about me.

I saw Bill Clinton on "The View" this morning. He is so articulate and persuasive. I liked everything he said, though I could feel the "spin" here and there. Bill, a fellow Leo, is one of the few "Lions" of our times.

This past Saturday I met another Lion. But I will describe him another time. We need more alpha men in the world now, I think. Seems to me that the young men I hear about and meet have no drive, no aspirations, no energy to do anything but sit mesmerized in front of their computers and waste time.

I should talk! But one step at a time, I am getting closer and closer to my goals.

I hope you are too!

To tomorrow!


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